Saturday, October 30, 2010

(Psalm 16:8) I have set the Lord ALWAYS before me....

I was/am really challenged by this verse. I came upon it the other day when reading KP Yohannan's The Lords Work Done in the Lord's way. Do I do I set the Lord ALWAYS before me? The answer came quickly and it was a resounding no. At the same time I was filled with a desire for the answer to change and become yes.

I have set the Lord ALWAYS before me. Before me in my desires, my wants, my actions, my EVERYTHING and on top on that not just sometimes but ALWAYS. I know this is something I can not do in the flesh. I want to be one who is set on studying my Master's mind. I want to always seek and inquire of God. I want to ask- Lord, is this the way you want your minsitry to function? Is this how you want me to serve you?

As I read the bible I see that waiting on God always precedes the unfolding of His plan or purpose. I have to be willing to sit as his feet to take time to come into His presence and hear form Him. Often I get busy and do not do this. In order for Psalm 16:8 to be true in my life I have to know God and be known by Him and this takes time. Time I want to give.

Jesus has already done this for us. He set us always before him, loving us so much that he was willing to die.

Psalm 16:8 is challenging me. I want this to be true of me!


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